This is a continuously-updated, alphabetical list of projects similar to Epitome and open-source software with a short description. If your project is not listed, please send us a message with your project’s website and description through our contact page.
Voting Platforms:
- Arke – Anonymised voting with identity checking.
- CHVote – A concrete answer and a real breakthrough in digital technology and e-government.
- CIVS – Condorcet internet voting system.
- Clerk – A specialized database server and user interfaces for keeping votes. The unique architecture enables user-generated polls, secret or public votes, the ability to change your vote, and security from attack from the administrator.
- Collective Voting Bundle – Allows to create voting for an action, so every allowed person could vote on specific action.
- Condorcet – A PHP library providing Condorcet and multiple other methods, like Schulze, Copeland, Minimax, Kemeny-Young, Ranked Pairs.
- CryptoBallot – A secure election server daemon that does the grunt work to secure online voting for your web or mobile application.
- DDP2P – Direct democracy P2P.
- Demos – an end-to-end verifiable e-voting system.
- Django Vote – a simple Django app to conduct vote for Django model.
- e-cidadania – An open-source e-democracy web tool intended for citizen participation.
- E-Vote – An open-source system for secure, trusted, anonymous, and verifiable voting online.
- E-Vote – a voting system designed to be used for meetings with a limited number of people.
- Free-Vote – A complete system for web-based elections & consults. Support for multiple, concurrent, fully programable elections, separate lists of voters, Web-based user/lists/vote admin, email feedback, etc.
- GPGVote – A web-based e-voting system, based on PGP encryption.
- Helios – An end-to-end verifiable voting system.
- InstaVote – a Python module that determines the winner of an election using instant-runoff voting rules.
- IVXV – The source code behind the Estonian online voting system.
- oavote – A custom online voting tool to fit the requirements of the ‘Online-Abstimmung’ of Junge Piraten e.V.
- OpenRCV – Software for tallying ranked-choice voting elections like instant-runoff voting and single transferable vote.
- Python Vote Core – Implements various electoral methods, providing the results calculated off a provided set of ballots and options.
- Ranked-Vote – A ranked-voting system for developers using GitHub.
- Secret ballot – C/Linux server-client pubkey secret verifiable voting system.
- SimpleVote – an open-source, self-hostable, live-updating voting/polling platform, for both live meetings, or extended polls.
- Social Choice – A python program to calculate the winner of well-known winner selection methods, including the plurality method, the runoff method, the elimination method, the Borda count, and the pairwise-comparison method (a.k.a. Condorcet method).
- Solon – A software project for organizing elections. It includes a program to create the lists of candidates, a program to do the actual voting, and a program to count votes.
- Vocal Democracy – This project is focused on the development of a phone-based voting system to be used in elections. The goal is to provide a reliable, intuitive, and highly secure voting mechanism for voters with visual impairments and other disabilities.
- Votanto – The first electronic voting system recognizable by humans.
- VoteCounter – A distributed voting program that can handle multiple clients over a network.
- VoteEngine – Software for tabulating votes in elections, particularly using uncommon methods (Nanson, Condorcet, etc.).
- Votorola – An experimental technology for the public guidance of electoral systems, executive offices, legislatures, and other decision systems.
- Votron – Android client for server-side Condorcet style voting system.
- VVVote – Cryptographic Anonymized Online Voting System.
- Zeus – Based on the Helios voting system but instead of election results, Zeus produces a tally of the ballots cast.
Proxy Voting/Liquid Democracy:
- Ekratia – Real-time, representative and participatory democracy.
- enhydris – A bare-bones simple majority voting system with delegates created as a proof of concept.
- Google Votes – An experiment in liquid democracy built on Google’s internal corporate Google+ social network.
- Kudocracy – A voting system where people can either directly approve or disapprove propositions associated to tags or delegate that decision.
- Hyperarchy – An online decision-making tool that allows team members to pose questions, submit answers, and rank the list in their preferred order.
- liquid-democracy – A direct democracy project, in which the votes are held by a specific mandate to a particular issue, and is supplemented by a recommendation of action.
- LiquidDemocracy-XXS – An extremely light liquid democracy tool.
- LiquidFeedback – An open-source software, powering internet platforms for proposition development and decision-making.
- MakeYourLaws – A project to convert the world to liquid democracy.
- polly – a liquid democracy system with a focus on deliberative policy building and consensus finding.
- – You provide information about yourself that will be used to match you to proxies that have already most likely voted like you would if you had the time, experience, and motivation to properly research a proposal.
- VoteFlow – Voting website of the future. Mesh democracy, Liquid democracy, Tree of topics – made with Django.
Blockchain Voting:
- BlocVoting – A Haskell implementation for voting securely on a satoshi blockchain using liquid democracy.
- e-voting – Blockchain-based voting system.
- e-Vox – Open e-democracy platform.
- Electis – end-to-end verifiable elections, surveys, and consultations based on combining homomorphic encryption and the Tezos blockchain.
- Follow My Vote – Open source end-to-end verifiable blockchain voting software.
- OneVote – A distributed blockchain-based voting system.
- Open Vote Network – Anonymous voting on Ethereum without a tally authority.
- PLCRVoting – Smart contract for voting on the Ethereum blockchain.
- PublicVotes – Publicly verifiable and Ethereum-based voting system.
- PublicVoting – Public voting system made trustworthy and verifiable through blockchain.
- updn – Reddit-alike where submissions and voting use Bitcoin.
- Vocdoni – A universally verifiable, privacy-centric and scalable digital voting protocol.
- VotoSocial – A secure, decentralized, auditable and open platform for e-voting and vote counting that everybody can trust.
- WaveVote – a voting system based on Ethereum.
Deliberation/Governance Platforms:
- Adhocracy – A policy drafting and decision-making software for distributed groups and open institutions by liquid democracy e.V.
- Agora Voting – A secure open-source online voting software that protects the privacy of the vote and makes elections end-to-end verifiable.
- Airesis – A decision-making tool for direct democracy and e-government: participate in discussions, bring your ideas, suggest solutions and vote online.
- Allsembly – Software for creating an online community for anonymous proposal and collaborative evaluation of public policy options, with automated decision support; it makes use of betting markets and probabilistic inference.
- Asturix People – A direct democracy system.
- CivilHub – a free and open-source platform written in Python & Django for the purpose of collaboration in local civic communities.
- Citizen OS – An e-democracy platform for discussion, co-creation, voting, digital signatures, and follow-up.
- Consul – Open Government and E-Participation Web Software.
- Decidim – The participatory democracy framework.
- Debate Map – a web platform aimed at improving the efficiency of discussion and debate.
- Democracy.Earth – A decentralized liquid democracy governance platform for organizations of any size.
- Democracy OS – An online space for deliberation and voting on political proposals.
- Epitome – Epitome is an online platform of mass deliberation and consensus decision-making, that enables large groups to simultaneously communicate and develop proposals to reported issues.
- IdeaBox – An application that lets an organization collect ideas, comment on them, and vote them up.
- Konsento – Digital direct progressive consensus democracy.
- Loomio – A collaborative decision-making tool that makes it easy for anyone to participate in decisions that affect them.
- openDCN – On-line dedicated tools to support participation and deliberation.
- PeerMind – This project aims to explore and improve the technologies we use for decision-making.
- Polis – Open Source AI for large scale open ended feedback.
- Spokenvote – A web-based social consensus tool for groups of any size, from a local school board to an entire nation’s people, that radically enhances the group’s ability to reach consensus via an intuitive democratic process.
- Vilfredo – Vilfredo allows groups from 5 to 20 people to ask open questions and reach a consensus in an easy and fair way.
- Votebot – A collaborative writing platform built on top of GitHub, originally designed for open policy-making and manifesto writing.
- Wasa2il – A participatory democracy software project. It is based on the core idea of polities – political entities – which users of the system can join or leave, make proposals in, alter existing proposals, and adopt laws to self-govern.
- Your Priorities – An e-democracy web application designed by the non-profit Citizens Foundation to help groups speak with one voice.
- D-CENT – A Europe-wide project creating open, secure, and privacy-aware tools for direct democracy and economic empowerment.
- Liquid Democracy e.V. – A non-profit that creates and implements innovative concepts for e-participation.
Direct Democracy Projects:
- Democracy International – Democracy International’s goals are to give citizens a direct say in political decision-making and to make governments more accountable.
- DemocracyLab – A non-profit organization aspiring to revolutionize politics by creating and curating online tools that engage communities to solve problems.
- Direct Democracy Database – The Direct Democracy Database allows users to explore the different ways direct democracy is used in different countries.
- DirectDemocracy – a web-based voting platform dedicated to school students interested in taking part in school decision-making.
- – A non-profit pioneer fostering inclusive online engagement, global open government knowledge sharing, and innovative civic technology.
- FREE e-democracy project – A project dedicated to creating the GNU.FREE internet voting system and also advocating Free Software in e-democracy.
- IDea – A Research Group of the Open University’s KMi focused on Collective Intelligence and Online Deliberation technologies.
- Lawgen – A project aimed for creating and promoting specialized tools for mass problem-solving and decision-making.
- Matchism – A philosophy and a design for political, economic, and social systems that will provide an optimal fit for our inherent natures and our current level of technological development.
- Navigator to Direct Democracy – A unique global information platform on modern participative democracy.
- One Voice Now – To educate and give a voice to the people of our community by establishing the communication technology, which allows them to participate and have a continuous voice on governmental, political, and community issues.
- Reinventing Democracy – Increase youth participation and collaboration in decision-making processes with regard to democratic governance by empowering young people from across the world to invent and propose new, innovative, and concrete actions aiming at reinventing democracy by taking advantage of what the digital era has to offer.
- The Democracy Foundation – An internet project dedicated to the research and design of innovative and advanced methods of decision-making, and to their implementation via the development of free and open-source instruments and resources.
- The Internet Government – a non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit, independent internet congress.
- VoteWrap – The ultimate consensus-seeking, decision-making process.
Citizen participation projects:
- AgoraOnRails – Aims to revolutionize democracy by empowering citizens to directly vote on real proposals extracted from the Spanish congress official web page.
- e-petitions – The code base for the UK Government’s petitions service (
- Madison – Madison allows citizens to interact directly with legislation before it becomes law, by commenting, asking questions, and offering improvements directly on legislation under consideration.
Proprietary/Closed source software:
- Kialo – The Internet’s largest debate, argument mapping, and collaborative reasoning platform.
- Ethelo – Ethelo’s unique approach harnesses collective intelligence to find stronger decisions.
- Flux – An Australian political movement that aims to replace the world’s elected legislatures with a new system known as issue-based direct democracy.
- MiVote – An information platform that presents you with a variety of perspectives on all major issues up for debate in the Australian Parliament and many others that affect our lives, via the MiVote App.
- Online Direct Democracy Party – An Australian online direct democracy political party.
- None of the Above Party – This Canadian party campaigns for the 3Rs of direct democracy – Referendum, Recall and Real electoral and legislative Reforms that give voters control of politicians and parties.
- À Nous La Démocratie! – a French citizen movement and new political party whose aim is to promote direct and participative democracy through institutional reforms (non-accumulation of terms, popular initiative referendum, sortition, responsibility of the government before the people…) and encouragement of the citizens’ participation.
- Greek Direct Democracy Movement – A Greek movement advocating for direct democracy, sortition, and popular initiatives.
- Direct Democracy Ireland – An Irish direct democracy political party.
- Direct Democracy Romania – An official, legally established party, and is registered in the list of parties in Romania.
- Aktiv Demokrati – A non-political party for realizing direct democracy in the Swedish parliament, using a mix of delegation and direct voting through the internet.
United Kingdom:
- People’s Administration – A mainstream UK party for reform to direct democracy.
- Pirate Party – a label adopted by political parties in different countries. Pirate parties support civil rights, direct democracy and participation in government, reform of copyright and patent law, free sharing of knowledge (open content), information privacy, transparency, freedom of information, free speech, anti-corruption, and Internet neutrality.
Frederic Edwin Church – The Heart of the Andes